Renata Benvegnù with the Zanta piano ZB200
Padova Urbs Picta is one of the venues of the World Heritage List UNESCO nomination with the 14th century painting cycles' of the Scrovegni chapel and the Eremitani church.
For the Unesco nomination was made a Video toghether with Lilium SoundArt, Urbs Picta and Marco Lincetto. it was chosen the location of Eremitani church frescoes by Guariento di Arpo and Giusto de' Menabuoi and later by Andrea Mantegna.
The art of Guariento in dialogue with Fryedryk Chopin's music, performed by Renata Benvegnù with the Zanta piano ZB200. This kind of painting represented an innovative turning point in the art history: the development of new colours, spaces and volumes that cover the church is the same approach that Zanta has for his piano ZB200: developing new design and engineering for pianos.